Solid Earth Research Group (SERG)

The main research goal of the Solid Earth Research Group is to comprehend the origin and evolution of the planet Earth and its various solid reservoirs such as the crust, mantle and the core. To achieve this the group focuses on deciphering the timescales and understanding the processes of geodynamic evolution of Archean cratons, Proterozoic mobile belts and Western Ghats of India. In addition, the research of the group aims at understanding the chemical evolution of the Earth’s mantle since the earliest differentiation events by studying mantle derived rocks at different tectonic setting, including active subduction zones. Other activities of the group include delineating lithospheric structures under various Indian crustal blocks and shear zones/active faults and evolution of Quaternary landscapes.
To realize their objectives the group takes help of field, geophysical, geochronological and geochemical investigations. The group is equipped with some of the state of the art geophysical instruments to carry our seismic, gravity, resistivity, and magnetic surveys. The group also houses sophisticated equipment to analyze major and trace element contents and ratio of radiogenic and stable isotopes in solid and liquid samples, apart from determining formation ages of minerals using U-Pb in situ measurement techniques.