
 XRF facility

new1new2The XRF facility at NCESS consists of Bruker model S8 Tiger and S4 Pioneer sequential wavelength-dispersive x-ray spectrometers and sample preparation units. 

S8 Tiger is equipped with a goniometer (which holds seven analyzing crystals: LiF 200, LiF 220, PET, XS-55, XS-N, XS-C and XS-B), 75 sample automatic loading system, 4 kW Rh X-ray tube, 0.23°,0.46°, 1°and 2° collimators and SPECTRAplus software for qualitative and quantitative determination of elements.

S4 Pioneer is equipped with a goniometer (which holds seven analyzing crystals: OVO-55, PET, LiF 200, LiF 220, Ge, ADP and InSb), 60 sample automatic loading system, 4 kW Rh X-ray tube, 0.23 and 0.46° collimators and SPECTRAplus software for qualitative and quantitative determination of elements.

The detector in both instruments consists of an argon/methane flow proportional counter and a scintillation counter.


Group Head, SERG

T: 0471-2511666/670

E: xrf[dot]ncess[at]nic[dot]in

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