The posts advertised vide notification no. NCESS/P&GA/9424/10/2024 dt. 16.12.2024 stands withdrawn and kept in abeyance indefinitely till further orders.
The modified list of Screened-in Candidates (Post code 11 to 21) against advertisement no. NCESS/P&GA/9424/06/2024 dated. 10.10.2024 & corrigendum dated. 14.11.2024
Opportunities for Students
NCESS provides various opportunities for school as well as college students to familiarise and/or pursue research on different branches of earth sciences. In order to provide a glimpse on the world of earth science disciplines, an open day is observed for school students during April every year coinciding with the Earth Day celebrations. On this day laboratories in the institute are open for half a day for students to visit and interact with scientists.
Further, the Centre offers Internship/Summer training and Dissertation programs to selected candidates as part of their curriculum, while pursuing University level education. Notification in this regard will appear on website every year. NCESS is a recognised R&D institution of various universities for carrying out doctoral programs. Research scholars can register for Ph.D under science, environmental and inter-disciplinary topics as and when announcements are made by the universities. Eminent scientists from national as well as international institutions visit NCESS regularly for scientific exchange programs. The Earth Science Forum in the institute is a platform for information exchange on activities of on-going research projects and all college students available in the campus are allowed to participate in such presentations.
Internship/Training/Dissertation at ESSO-NCESS
Applications for internships/training/dissertation for students can be submitted during February and September every year. Candidates, who are interested to work at NCESS must apply in the attached format (click here). Selected candidates must bring printout of their application forms, after duly signed by the HOD of respective department with official seal, at the time of arrival for training in ESSO-NCESS.
Applications of only the following students will be considered for scrutiny and final acceptance.
a) 5 years Integrated M.Sc./M.Sc. Tech./M. Tech.: Students from 7th - 9th Semester;
b) 3 years M.Sc./M.Sc. Tech.: Students from 3rd – 5th Semester;
c) 2 years MSc. /M.Sc. Tech. / M. Tech.: Students from 2nd – 3rd Semester;
d) B.Sc Final year students;
General Guidelines
The online form for submission of applications will only be active from 01 February to 28 February and from 01 September to 30 September of every year. Late applications will not be entertained.
No personal email communications will be sent to the shortlisted candidates. Shortlisted candidates list approved by Director NCESS will be announced on the website in the first week of May and in the first week of December, respectively. The list will also mention the allocated name of the supervisor/Group at NCESS and the title of their Internship/training/Internship.
Based on the applications and the applicant's research interests, a suitable supervisor will be allotted by the visiting student’s committee. Neither the supervisors nor the Internship/Training/Dissertation students are allowed to select a student/supervisor of their choice.
The visiting students need to accept the Internship/Training/Dissertation offer within 7-10 working days. If no reply is received, the offer will be transferred to the other applicants depending on the waiting list.
The candidates, who were selected for training earlier but did not join, need not apply again. Students must undergo at least 8 weeks of training continuously in NCESS, otherwise their candidature will not be considered.
During the Internship/Training/Dissertation period only day field trips (no stay) will be allowed for Visiting Students. A prior approval from the Visiting Students Committee and the Director, NCESS is mandatory for any such field work.
Visiting Students will only be allowed in NCESS campus on working days. In exceptional conditions visiting students will only be allowed on weekend and holidays for which prior approval from the Supervisor and Group Head is mandatory.
Once the students complete their Internship/Training/Dissertation, they need to inform the visiting student committee and the committee will arrange their presentation in online/offline mode. It is compulsory for every trainee and dissertation student to deliver a 15 minute (10-minute presentation + 5-minutes for discussion) talk at the end of their training/dissertation period.
Post presentation, the Internship/Training/Dissertation students can get their report/ Dissertation signed by the supervisor and submit it to the visiting students' committee for issuing the certificate. The submitted report/Dissertation must be submitted to the NCESS library for future reference.
Any Publication/Communication to any Journal that results from the work shall have consent of the Guide and NCESS. No accommodation and Transport shall be provided to the project students. There is no fee for carrying out project works at NCESS. NCESS reserves the right of not considering any or all requests and close/discontinue the Programme without assigning any reasons.
For enquiry, please contact: Email: visitingstudents[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in or techcell[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in
View List of Students Selected for Dissertation / Internship Program during May - August 2024
Result of the Walk-in interview held on 30th January 2025 for engaging Field Assistant (Electrical), Project Associate I (Civil) and Consultant Engineer (Civil) under contract mode against Advt. No. NCESS/P&GA/9424/01/2025 dated. 10.01.2025.
NCESS conducts walk-in-interview for the post of Scientific Administrative Assistant on contract basis, for a period of Six months
Date & Time : 11.02.2025, 9.30 a.m.
Venue: NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 011