
Dr. Sneha Mukherjee

Project Scientist I, Solid Earth Research Group (SERG)

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Ph.D. : 2019, Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata.
M.Sc. : 2012, Applied Geology, Presidency College (under Calcutta University), Kolkata.

Professional Career:

2019 - Present   Research Associate, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2016 - 2019 Senior Research Fellow, Presidency University, Kolkata.
2013 - 2016 Junior Research Fellow, Presidency University, Kolkata.
2012 - 2013 Worked as a Project Scientist in “National Geomorphological and Lineament Mapping on 1:50,000 scale, India” project (sponsored by ISRO, Govt. of India).

Research Interest:

My areas of expertise include Ore Petrology, Structural Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology. The research is focused on tectono-stratigraphic and geochronological evolution of Precambrian Terrain as well as much younger Phanerozoic terrains. Mainly the petrological and structural study followed by geochemical and geochronological characterization of the rocks. My interests on geochemistry, structural geology, and tectonics helps me to understand problems of Precambrian to phanerozoic geology in a holistic manner.


  1. Visited Hiroshima University as a part of the bilateral exchange program between Presidency University-Hiroshima University (supported by Hiroshima University Special Grant) in March 2015.
  2. 3rd Rock Deformation Structure (RDS-III) & DST sponsored national Workshop on Construction of balanced cross sections and structural profiles in deformed terranes at Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, October 2014.
  3. Workshop on Application of Remote-Sensing Techniques towards Natural Resource Management and Environmental Protection, 2014, Organized by Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Kolkata Chapter).
  4. Member organizing committee of the National Seminar on Making of the Indian Continent, held during 7-8 November, 2014, at Presidency University, Kolkata, India.
  5. Member, organizing committee of the 23rd West Bengal State Science Congress, 2016 held during 28th-29th November, 2016 at Presidency University, Kolkata.


  1. Mukherjee, S., Das, P., Ghosh, G., Bose, S. and Das, K., 2020, December. U-Pb Zircon Geochronology and Structural Control of the Hydrothermal Vein-type Uranium Deposit at Chitrial, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.
  2. Das, P., Mukherjee, S., Das, K. and Ghosh, G., 2019. Integrating AMS data with structural studies from granitoid rocks of the Eastern Dharwar Craton, south India: Implications on successive fabric development and regional tectonics. Journal of Structural Geology, 118, pp.48-67.
  3. Mukherjee, S., Ghosh, G., Das, K., Bose, S. and Hayasaka, Y., 2018. Geochronological and geochemical signatures of the granitic rocks emplaced at the north‐eastern fringe of the Eastern Dharwar Craton, South India: Implications for late Archean crustal growth. Geological Journal, 53(5), pp.1781-1801.
  4. Mukherjee, S., Das, P., Ghosh, G., Mukhopadhyay, J. and Basu, H., 2014. Analysis of brittle fractures by conventional field and GIS based techniques and its implication on Uranium concentration in Basement Granitoids around Chitrial, Cuddapah Basin, Telangana. Rock Deformation & Structures, p.120.
  5. Ghosh, G., Das, P., Mukherjee, S., Mukhopadhyay, J. and Basu, H., 2014. Fracture Analysis and a record of brittle deformation event from basement granitoid rocks at the northwest tip of the Cuddapah basin, Chitrial, southern India. Rock Deformation & Structures, p.85.
  6. Mukherjee, S., Das, P., Ghosh, G., Mukhopadhyay, J., and Basu, H. (2013) Role of basement fractures behind unconformity – type uranium minerallisation: A case study from the chitrial outlier, srisailam sub-basin Andhra Pradesh,India. Indian Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract # GEOL21 P-33.
  7. De, K., Mukherjee, S., Chatterjee, A. (2013) Evidence of Neotectonic Activity in part of Mizoram, India, from Drainage Analysis Using GIS Technique. Indian Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract # GEOL64, p-85.


  1. Understanding structural, geochemical and petrochronological control on mineralization with particular emphasis on uranium and iron.
  2. Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Lesser Himalayan Frontal Fold-Thrust belt.